Fundraising The Scout Group is entirely self-funding and run by volunteers. Therefore, our fundraising activities are essential to our financial stability. Throughout the year there will be fundraising activities and we would ask you to support us wherever possible. One of our main fundraisers is the 100 Club. This has been set up to establish a maintenance fund for the Scout Hut and equipment. 60% of income from this is channelled into the maintenance fund and 40% is distributed as prizes. It is £2 per month per number to join and is a simple & painless way to support your Scout Group. There is an application form in the Forms section on this website. There is one income stream that is available to us that you may not be aware of, and that is the fact we can claim Gift Aid on the subscriptions you pay for your child/children to attend the Group. We can claim back from HMRC 25% of the subscriptions you pay. There is no catch here, you just need to be a UK taxpayer and pay more tax each year than the amount we could claim in the year. It is a fact none of us can avoid paying tax on the money we earn but the Group could benefit under the charity Gift Aid scheme. A Gift Aid Form can be found in the Forms section of this website. I do hope you will consider helping us in this way. It is a really painless way for us to generate additional funds to enable the Group to continue offering the experience of Scouting to the young people in our area. Note – if you have a flair for fundraising, artistic talents or skills to assist us to maintain our Scout Hut, we would love to hear from you. Please pass any ideas to your Section Leader.