Scouts The Scout Section takes in both Boys and Girls from the age of 10½ years old to 14 years. Scouts meet once a week, 7pm until 9pm. Our Scouts are the only Air Scout Troop within South Ribble. We take part in a Balanced Programme that helps them to find out about the world in which they live, encourages them to know their own abilities and the importance of keeping fit, and helps develop their creative talents. It also provides opportunities to explore their own values and personal attitudes. Being outdoors is important, and half the programme is given over to taking part in traditional Scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking, as well as a wider spectrum of adventurous activities, from abseiling to zorbing. The Scouts have an opening ceremony at the beginning of each meeting where they form a horseshoe around the Leader and the union flag is raised. The Scout Troop is divided into small groups called Patrols, each is headed up by an older Scout called a Patrol Leader, and an Assistant Patrol Leader. The Scouts make a Promise on joining the group and agree to abide by the Scout Law Scouts are very independent and choose their friends wisely at this age. Scouting is about being with friends, as part of a team, and participating fully in the adventure and opportunities of life. Most Scouts will carry on into the Explorer Scouts Section. Scout Promise On my honour,I promise that I will do my bestto do my duty to God and to the Queen,to help other peopleand to keep the Scout Law. Scout Law A Scout is to be trusted.A Scout is loyal.A Scout is friendly and considerate.A Scout belongs to the world-wide family of Scouts.A Scout has courage in all difficulties.A Scout makes good use of time and is careful of possessions and property.A Scout has self-respect and respect for others. Please use this link to find out more information about Scouts Where do place those badges